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Radiation Badges

ServiceNet Medical X-Ray, Inc. provides clinics all across the U.S. with premium quality radiation badges.  You can learn more about the 2 types of radiation badges we offer below as well as download brochures and place your order.


Dosimetry BadgesGenesis Ultra TLD (Download Brochure) – from Mirion Technologies  Dosimetry Services Division (DSD) responds accurately to beta, gamma, X-ray, and neutron radiation.

The response of each element is corrected by the application of its own unique element correction factors and allows for the reporting of deep, lens of eye and shallow doses. Unlike other TLD products, the Genesis Ultra TLD has virtually no fading characteristics.

Due to the increase in signal response a minimum reportable dose (MRD) as low as 1 mrem (0.01 mSv) is available, compared to the 10 mrem (0.10 mSv) MRD of other TLD products.


Instadose 2 Dosimeter (Download Brochure) – The instadose 2 dosimeter is designed to help Radiation Safety Officers (RSO) save time managing dosimetry programs by:

  • Elimination of the badge collection processInstadose Radiology Badge
  • Increased compliance
  • Instant dose reads captured with iPhones®, iPads®, PCs, or instaLink stations
  • Online report access eliminates the need to archive and distribute results
  • RSO-defined read intervals for dose trending
  • The ability to track and lower dose for high risk employees
  • Immediate e-mail notification when wearer exceeds dose level specified

The instadose 2 dosimeter has received accreditation in the United States by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP lab code 100555-0).